Ladies and Gentlemen, I'M BACK, back and better!
First of all let me write you a big SORRY for not writting earlier, but I couldn't find the time! I was so stressed with the school's end and all the stuff that I couldn't focus on much more than books (and friends too, of course! hihi)
But it doesn't matter now because today was my LAST SCHOOL DAY. Oh yes, I thought I would never say that sentence!
Everything turned out grate at the end, so I decided to blow all the cobwebs away here:)
Gosh there's so much to tell! That's what sucks about being disconnected a while!
Well, about my country and my city, a lot of things happened in short time, certainly. You'll surely have known about the outrages (''indignados''). Yes, they really gave to talk here. Personally I think (don't have time to explain the whole movement and to give a long opinion about it) they had to explode someday. And they did it great, organized and pacifist. It was only a question of time that someone wanted to let everybody know that this gouvernmental organization we have here is not helping the people at all.
I also think thay stayed far too long. I mean, the place where they where started to smell bad! And all the storekeepers where seriously loosing their money. Furthermore, they could have done more plans, options for the gouvernment, not just sitting in a place and shout that they're happy. I mean, I'm unhappy too, and I went there to shout a while with them, so don't understand me wrong.
What more...
Oh yes! I started a course to learn how to make my own clothes. I have always liked fashion and create my own clothes sounds so amazing! My grandma did it too, so I think I just have it in! haha
Today I actually ended my firts piece: a skirt. It's purple and veeeery simple, but I'm so proud of it!
And what I'm realising now is that I will feel bad if I now, in sale, I go to a shop and buy any clothes for 10 or 15 euros, or less. I mean, do you actually know how much work and hours it takes just to do a skirt? a lot! so I find this prices a little bit offensive fot the people who did the pieces. Although I know they may have been done by machines, but what if not?
And is this why people buys prohibitive clothes of Chanel or Armani? Because their quality ''is better'' and that's because their not made by machines? well, maybe machines don't do them, but surely young coreans or chinese do, and do customers really think that this work is paied the way it should be?
Well, I really think it had to exist a brand with good clothes, I don't care if corean, chinese o spanish people doing them. The fact is that with this brand you could be sure, that if you pay much for a piece, you're not paying the new car of the owner, but the decent salary of the workers.
So, and after all this mental revolution, let me wish you a really good time 'till you know about me again!
Be happy:))
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