22 dic 2010


Well guys, looks like this will be the last entry OF THE YEAR! And I still not have Christmas-feeling at all!!!
Maybe because there's no trace of snow or Christmas-spirit here... don't like it >.<

And, for more, tomorrow I'm flyng to the ''Canarian Islands''.... at 6am. (part of the low-cost tickets)
Do you think I'm improving my Christmas-feeling there? With 25ºC??? The answer is NO, I'm not.
But I don't care that much. I'll pass a wonderful time with my family (and with the pleasent, nice philosophy homework-->sarcastic) and that's all what matters.

I'm not going to enclose any carols or anything in that line. Personally, I don't rally like carols as people do. Some of them make me really nervous, but I also can hear others.
What I can do is recomend a movie: Frank Capra's ''What a wonderful life''
If you like classics, you'll also like it (surely most of you have already seen it), but if not, do it!
Once I heard: If you cry at the end of this movie, you like Christmas, maybe you don't know it yet, but you do. Well, I don't remember if a cryied or not and if I see it again I probably will force myself to cry and that's definitely not fair play.

Well guys, there's not much more to say, and I don't have time either, have to pack!
My advice for the Hollidays: enjoy them as much as you can, try to relax and disconnect a little bit from the daily world. Do those things, for which you normally don't have time. Read, watch movies with your family, cook Christmas cookies and decorate cute. Send a lot of cards to the people you love and eat as much as you want. X-mas is once a year, so diet can wait! Love everyone like they deserve, and smile. Smile and laugh 'till your belly hurts.
And lastly, enjoy this time. The presents, the company, the meals, the flaming fireplace, the snow.... just this special atmosphere, that only exists in this time.

Be happy(:

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