19 ago 2011

Vacation, sweet vacation

How are your holidays going? I'm in Asturias (North), that's where you can find me now.

My house is right in front of this wonderful beach (don't you think I'm lucky? haha)
Well, the fact is the Internet here isn't working properly, so I wasn't able to update earlier. I wasn't inspired anyway, so... 
The other thing I wanted to tell you guys is that, as you know, I did a month course in July where I learned how to make my own clothes. The fact is that I really liked it, I learned a lot and, like my teacher said, I did it very well. I was so excited that I even made out my own brand. Hahaha I know it's too much, but I wanted to call it ''PURPLE''. What do you think?
Tomorrow I'll try to take a few pics of my creations and then upload them, so you can see them. I'm so proud of them! hihi

Oh, and today I went to the Niemeyer Center, here, in Avilés (Asturias). As you can suppose, it was designed by the famous architecht Oscar Niemeyer. He designed the most of Brasilia and this cultural centre is his first and last work in Spain. If you have the chance, please go visit it. It's just great. It's so white and colorful at the same time, new but perfectly integrated, and peaceful. I just loved it, great work Mr. Niemeyer!

So, enjoy your vacation and hopefully you'll hear from me soon!
Be happy.-

20 jul 2011


A few songs just to let you know that I'm still alive, I promise I'll tell you guys later the reason why I'm so busy.

29 jun 2011


Ladies and Gentlemen, I'M BACK, back and better!

First of all let me write you a big SORRY for not writting earlier, but I couldn't find the time! I was so stressed with the school's end and all the stuff that I couldn't focus on much more than books (and friends too, of course! hihi)

But it doesn't matter now because today was my LAST SCHOOL DAY. Oh yes, I thought I would never say that sentence!
Everything turned out grate at the end, so I decided to blow all the cobwebs away here:)

Gosh there's so much to tell! That's what sucks about being disconnected a while!

Well, about my country and my city, a lot of things happened in short time, certainly. You'll surely have known about the outrages (''indignados''). Yes, they really gave to talk here. Personally I think (don't have time to explain the whole movement and to give a long opinion about it) they had to explode someday. And they did it great, organized and pacifist. It was only a question of time that someone wanted to let everybody know that this gouvernmental organization we have here is not helping the people at all.
I also think thay stayed far too long. I mean, the place where they where started to smell bad! And all the storekeepers where seriously loosing their money. Furthermore, they could have done more plans, options for the gouvernment, not just sitting in a place and shout that they're happy. I mean, I'm unhappy too, and I went there to shout a while with them, so don't understand me wrong.

What more...
Oh yes! I started a course to learn how to make my own clothes. I have always liked fashion and create my own clothes sounds so amazing! My grandma did it too, so I think I just have it in! haha
Today I actually ended my firts piece: a skirt. It's purple and veeeery simple, but I'm so proud of it!
And what I'm realising now is that I will feel bad if I now, in sale, I go to a shop and buy any clothes for 10 or 15 euros, or less. I mean, do you actually know how much work and hours it takes just to do a skirt? a lot! so I find this prices a little bit offensive fot the people who did the pieces. Although I know they may have been done by machines, but what if not?
And is this why people buys prohibitive clothes of Chanel or Armani? Because their quality ''is better'' and that's because their not made by machines? well, maybe machines don't do them, but surely young coreans or chinese do, and do customers really think that this work is paied the way it should be?
Well, I really think it had to exist a brand with good clothes, I don't care if corean, chinese o spanish people doing them. The fact is that with this brand you could be sure, that if you pay much for a piece, you're not paying the new car of the owner, but the decent salary of the workers.

So, and after all this mental revolution, let me wish you a really good time 'till you know about me again!
Be happy:))

2 may 2011

Bye bye B.L.

I couldn't believe it when this morning I heard the news. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the ''king'' of the terrorists is dead, finally. After a lot of years looking for him and suffering his attacks, his reign is over.
The question now is: Does this change something?
In my opinion, the only thing that changes for good is the conscience of victim's families and friends, which now are clear.
I don't wish te death to anybody at all, but I can understand that these people is now feeling good as well as I understood their suffer. But maybe the country shouldn't be that proud. I mean, setting aside that he was a dread terrorist, the fact that their celebrating a death is still there.
On the other hand, I'm afraid this can trigger more brutal attacks. The murderer became a victim and now their angry and wishing revenge. They'll appoint other leader and their thirst of ''purify the land they life in'' will not end. Sincerely, I just don't see the situation better, even worse.
The fact is this day we'll be remembered as the day Bin Laden died, and maybe, hopefully, this also means terrorist aren't invincible. The only complaint is, it would be pleasent if we could deter, not kill them. I just think we're still so primitive sometimes.

Be happy.-

28 abr 2011


Not much to say, just a song I can't get out of my head:

This monday I'm recording a few songs with two friends, if everuthing turns out fine I'll uplad them here, just to show you more of my talents haha

I promise I'll write more&better when I have time! Sorry!

Be happy(:

23 abr 2011

Home, sweet home

Not much to say yet, I still have to unpack my bags!
Although the time wasn't that good, I had much fun with my family... you know.
A couple pics of where I was, Tenerife (Canarian Islands)

And this monday school again... but there are only two months left, tralalalaaa!

OH! I almost forget it! HAPPY BOOK'S DAY! haha, dunno if you celebrate it in your country but here we do! It's the 23th april because of the death of two great autors: Shakespeare and Cervantes. The goal is to promote reading, editorials, autors, etc... I love reading and it has always been a very important day for me since I was a little child. Before, I used to write a short story every Book's Day, for me this meant to take part in this amazing world of the letters. Now I prefer to focus on my book (yes, I'm trying to write one, but it's taking a lot of time!) so I think tonight I'll try to write a little bit more... hope you all read it if I finish it!!

Be happy guys(:

PD: got twitter!! Follow me, @monica_morado

13 abr 2011


I'm soooooooooo happy! Well, don't have much to say..
I saw Forrest Gump yesterday (Yes, I'm probably the only girl in the wold who hadn't seen it yet) I liked it, but it was a little bit non-credible. Tom Hanks was pretty good though, and his son in the movie was sooo cute!

Maybe you're wondering where a nice girl like me will go on vacation haha, well, I'm going to Tenerife. (Canarian Islands, Spain) A part of my family lives there and it's time for beach, don't you think?

I don't have much more to say now... you'll hear from me when I come back!

(can't stop hearing it!)

Have a wonderful time all of you!
Be happy(:

4 abr 2011


I still stressed guys! haha but you're priority, you know it!
A few little things to say...
This weekend I read Time for Outrage! It goes about not resigning yourself with the system. When I finished it I thought: Man, it was time for someone to write down what most of the people think (so do I).

I realy enjoyed it. I mean, not as you enjoy a thriller or other novels, but as you enjoy... a good speech, for example.

Oh, another important thing! I actually have a new ''Person-I-admire'' (like Mandela or Luther King). It's very unusual to hear it from me 'cause I don't convinced easily.  Maybe one of you already know him. He's name is Muhammad Yunus and he comes from Bangladesh. I had vaguely heard about him before, but this weekend I informed be about his job. In one word: Progressive. In short: he's countable and after a lot of hard work finally managed to open a self-financed bank. That's really hard in countries where religion and state are closely bound and are all what counts. But, it doesn't end here. He had the great idea to invent the microcredits. It wasn't a big cuantity of money, maybe just the needed to buy a goat or a cart (or yes, perhaps a little bit more). But enough for the daily needs of a normal family. Well, the great idea was to give almost all these credits to women. Women could administrate it better and give it to their kids, improving next generations quality of life and possibilities. Isn't it great, visionary?
The only problem is that men began to protest and hit women because they thought it was unfair and felt less important. That sucks, but I really think it was a good idea. Men are used to be the bosses, have the control. Personally I don't like it, but it's true that they have other customs and culture and we aren't allowed to judge that. Respect first!

Well and after that and to end, have you heard about Ivory Coast? It's terrible! They're killing a lot of civils!
please read about it, I'll inform you later, when I have more time, but it's important anyway!
Northafrican protests expand like gunpowder. I'm so worried if they will end up fine...

Be happy(:

31 mar 2011


Hello there again!

Well guys I'm STRESSED, but I don't update since saturday and it's slowly time to do it! ('cause this weekend I won't find the time) I actually didn't have that much to tell. Fist of all, a few informations about whats up on our own. You all know I always talk about envoironment, but it's really important my friends!

Japan: more and more radioactivity, everywhere! I'm really amazed at the japanese people reaction. As nation, they acted together, efficiently, disciplined and the right way. As far as I've read, things change when we talk about individual behavoir. They're scared, buy up the essencials and don't really know what to do. I mean, that's completely understandable! Well, they didn't colapse the airports when everything happened or began to cry, shout and pray because they didn't know how to carry on. No, they were brave enough to accept that this disaster, this black spot in world's history, forced them to open their eyes and realise they're not invincible, as they thought. They were industry, money, power and innovation, but nature is stronger than all this and this is something they had almost forgotten. I'm not saying they deserve it, please not! No one deserves something like that, but definitively, and hoping the goverment and nuclear presidents mistakes (watch the news and you'll get what I'm saying), I'm sure that if we all help, they'll carry on.

Libya: not as extensive as Japan, only a couple of questions to make you think (you know I love it):
Is it a good choice to arm rebels?
Gadafi is getting more and more land. What if he wins? Will eveything have beeing a waste of time?

After that, I let you one song that describes my state now (the name says all):

Be happy^^

PD: Today I found a little pillow I couldn't live without when I was a child. So sweet! I've always love it, and I'll always do! It's green with little white swans on it, and it's called ñaña (I couldn't pronounce almohada --pillow in spanish-- when I was a baby so..) I know you don't care about these things but I'm so happy I found it again! :)

PD2: NEW QUOTE, NEW QUOTE!  finally!

26 mar 2011

You're such a smiling sweetheart.

And between all this chaos,

I could hear the first 19 seconds again and again without getting tired of it. Just had to tell you.

By the way, I finally managed to do the Rubik cube... completelly! I'm a genius!haha do you know that even the guy who invented it wasn't able to do it?

Well, be happy, but don't forget your environment, we´re living hard times.

21 mar 2011

Lybia-. Sadness-.

Here again!
I'm veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery stressed with all the big exams I'm having in school and a lot of other stuff...(If it goes well I'll tell you, I promise!) But this blog can't stay idle so long! We have to give it rythm!(;

Well, today I'm writting because I had to tell you about the dramatical situation we live in. It's (like) a new war!
(With all these Northafrican conflicts I just feel like I'm having a Dèja-vu everytime I write.) But this time it's different. It's about Lybia. As all of you surelly know things are going out of controll there. But let's go to the top, as all this began...
Everything seemed like they were just another Northafrican country where the majority of people were against the government. Against Gadafi better said. People began to rebel and demonstrate against them, wanting Gadafi's dimission. But he staied in the top, and later, seeing that revolts weren't stopping, he  attacked the people. A lot of ''rebels'' died and the UN took part. They told Gadafi to stop, and he agreed, but only for a short time. Guns fired again, but he said it wasn't he's fault, it was a terrorist's band's. (Al Qaida). The UN didn't believe him, so thay gave the permission to attack. The coalition, with France, EEUU and England in the top, began a war through air and sea, not even touching lybian ground. Gadafi announced a second ''Fire stop'', but it failed again. And the coalition is now controling lybians air traffic.

Well, this was the resume. Now let us reflect:
Was an armed attack really necessary? First of all, we still being reasonable human beings, why not talk? Some of you will say: Gadafi is not listening to anyone. Well, maybe he's not listening but, did anybody do a real effort to change that? As fas as I know, any politics went to Lybia to talk to him os even SEE if everything is like the media says. Gadafi, as he announced the second ''fire-stop'', said: Come, come to Lybia and see I'm not lying! But nobody went. I'm not saying Gadafi is innocent, of course not!
I heard him talk as the ''war'' began and it really freaked me out.
-He wants to arm everyone in Lybia, tell women how to fight... and he's sure Lybia will win, and everyone is happy about it there. They will win against the ''devil'' (coalition), and they're showing the whole world they're brutes. 'Cause this is a modern way of occupation.-
Obviously, this is not something a sane person would say. But anyway, ''se han juntado el hambre y las ganas de comer'', as we say here. It means something like they were both looking forward to it. Does this means that the coalition wants something more than peace? Something like... petrol, for example? It saddes me to admit this is the most credible and important reason. Humans are so greedy they usually forget they're human first.

Well my friends, there's not much to say about this... for the moment. Think about it, watch the news, read the papers, etc... (Media is being a little bit imprecise anyway. They don't have first-hand information and don't really know who's attacking and who's not, so it's not that reliable. But anyway, this is better than nothing!)
And wish there are no more victims (They were 48 deaths and 150 injureds because of the coalition and more than 8000 ''rebels'' lost their lives for the moment).
I feel so sad about all this.. I just still can't believe it.

15 mar 2011

Walking disaster

Well, I know I nay be late, but I was a little busy.
Today's entry will be about Japan, about the catastrophe. I'm sure all of you at least heard what happened.
If not, a few facts:

On friday 11th, at about 3pm there was an 9.0Mw earthquake with the epicenter at 130km off the coast and the earthquake created extremely destructive tsunami waves of up to 10 meters. Almost 600.000 people were evacuated and there are already 3373 deaths.

Then, when everybody thought nothing could go worse, the security of an affected nuclear power station began to fail. The water-cool-system they used to avoid a reactor's overheat got damages during the tsunami and a couple reactors exploded. (I'm not an engineer at all, but that's what I understood, hope there are no technical mistakes!)
The fact is that if they continue like that, without electricity to keep the nuclear power station and resources to improve the situation, a great disaster can take part. And I'm afraid we can't do nothing else but wait and try to save as many people as possible. We have to get ready for worse things.
Truly, what surprises me the most is that Japan, a worlds-top country, with the innovativest technology and the progress, couldn't win the battle against the nature, no one can. But they didn't just lose, they got massacred.
The question is... how would we end up if somthing like that happened to us?
I just think we wouldn't stand it. It would be our end.
So pray for this not happening!
And for Japan, pray for them. For the families that lost someone, for those who didn't lose a family member, but maybe his house and his job, and fot the ones who lost everything.

PD: I wanted to put some pics and videos, but my computer's giving problems, so when it works again, I'll put some!

11 mar 2011


The brutalest terrorist attack in the Europe's history. And it was here, in Spain. In Madrid concretely, just where I live. Today's the seventh anniversary of that fateful day.
Four trains exploded during rush hour, which caused 191 deaths and 1858 injured people.
You all we'll be wondering who could do something like that. The answer is: we don't know.  Most of them just disappeared or died.
But I think... who can do something like this and just stay in silence the rest of his/her life? I mean, it's horrible!

Nobody can have any strong enough reasons to do such a thing. They always use the excuse of defending a cause, but let me tell you this is NOT true. They just can't stand to have those disturbed minds and have to do something horrible to calm theirselves down.
And as you can see, this makes me angry because of them, hundreds of families live worried and suffer.
I always end saying the same, but it's the only thing they have to understand: VIOLENCE IS NOT THE RIGHT WAY.
And I feel so impotent.. 'cause I can't do nothing against them!

Well, meanwhile, please think about those things in a sad day like today, and as I said with the Haiti disaster:

1 minute for the victims, 1 minute for their families, 1 minute for change.

6 mar 2011

Without words.

Well guys I just arrived from Asturias, in the north of Spain. Go see it if you once have time, it worths it.
So, I just wanted to show you one video someone told me to see. I can't find the words to describe, it's just all what I think. See it, reflect about it and try to be a little bit more like this girl and to hear her words, they're the truth.

Be happy^^

27 feb 2011


This weekend I went on a trip to the ''Sierra'' (more mountains again) with the church. The main theme was the crisis, the physical and the espiritual one. We talked a lot about the lost values of the today's society and the vicious circle of the avarice and the need of money. The crisis, both, aren't free. Some people get rich at the expense of others hard work. And those things are what feed the enormous difference between rich and poor people,and this last are lastly becoming more and more numerous.
We also turned the situation around and tryied to see the crisis like something good. Why? Because in these decadent moments, creativity comes out and allow us to have new, better solutions. And if we face this crisis with a good face, always triyng to see the good side and never giving up, we have it made my friends. 'Cause the best about a crisis is the teaching after getting over it and the stength we got in this difficult process.
I'm very tired, but I just wanted to get you an Albert Einstein's article, which was published in a newspaper at the time of the 29's Wall Street's Crack. I think he, with a few simple lines, explaines everything.
(I'm soooo sorry but I only found it in spanish... hope you can understand/translate it!)

No pretendamos que las cosas cambien si seguimos haciendo lo mismo. La crisis es la mejor bendición que puede sucederle a personas y países porque la crisis trae progresos. La creatividad nace de la angustia como el día nace de la noche oscura. Es en la crisis que nace la inventiva, los descubrimientos y las grandes estrategias. Quien supera la crisis se supera a sí mismo sin quedar "superado".
Quien atribuye a la crisis sus fracasos y penurias, violenta su propio talento y respeta más a los problemas que a las soluciones. La verdadera crisis es la crisis de la incompetencia.
El inconveniente de las personas y los países es la pereza para encontrar las salidas y soluciones. Sin crisis no hay desafíos, sin desafíos la vida es una rutina, una lenta agonía. Sin crisis no hay méritos.
Es en la crisis donde aflora lo mejor de cada uno, porque sin crisis todo viento es caricia.
Hablar de crisis es promoverla, y callar en la crisis es exaltar el conformismo. En vez de esto trabajemos duro.
Acabemos de una vez con la única crisis amenazadora que es la tragedia de no querer luchar por superarla.

Albert Einstein  (1879 - 1955)

Be happy and refelct(:

21 feb 2011


I just arrived from... Switzerland! yeah, I went on a trip with my school to ski. Don't think I'm a snob and I go every year to Switzerland! We just went this year because it's the schools 40th anniversary and it's the Swiss School!
Well, apart this, I had a GREAT time! We skied a lot, had much fun and enjoied the live in common, does anyone needs more? Now I'm full of bruises but I really don't care 'cause they're a proof of that good time(:
The worst thing about going to the mountains is you go to the mountains, and nothing more. Haha, I mean, we couldn't watch tv or listen to the radio, we didn't even had time! So I'm very disconnected, which is good in one hand, 'cause I needed it after a hardworking first school semester, but also bad in the other hand 'cause I'm out of traffic now! But I promise it won't be long, I'll work in it guys!
Well, I let you with a few pics of the marvelous trip:

 Fiesch, the town, was cute but comercial, and very smal!
           The Aletsch glacier, one of the biggest glaciers in Europe. We could saw it from the slopes(;
 Two of my photos of the slopes and the sights

 The ''Matterhorn'', Switzerlands biggest mountain. We saw it from the pistes too. It's ''Toblerone's chocolate'' image.

 ''Toblerone's chocolate'', try it if you can. It tastes great!

Be happy.-

6 feb 2011


International conflict, international doubts.
Will Mubarak stay in the top? And if he stays, will the situation change?
Will egyptians win? And if they win... will they be able to manage a country as they want, create a new government and develope the administration right?
There are a lot of things to do, and they're very difficult to get without a good organisation.
Today I'm asking the same questions I asked with he Tunez-conflict. But honestly, I had much more hope with those ones, and they're not much better now. And if Tunez, one of the most civilized countries of noth-africa, isn't showing great changes yet, how will Egypt survive? Dear god I was terrified when I saw they're stoning each other! THIS IS NOT THE WAY! It's very easy to throw a few stones and shout a few times Mubarak has to go, but changes happen with deals and suggestions. I know this is difficult in the situation they are, but at least they could try and organise theyselfs to be more effective. What they doing now, ''todos a una'' as we say here (all to one), is counterproductive. We are homo SAPIENS, and we have to be civilizated. This began being a massive protest, now it has become a civil war. Apart from all this, I hope with all my heart that Egypt and all the countries that suffered the same, achieve their aim and be ''free''.

Well, after all this, as always, think. Think about it, make yourself an opinion and learn, this is the most important thing.

PD: mi computer's going crazy lastly, so I don't know how often I'll be able to actualize from now :S
Be happy.-

28 ene 2011

Cold news

There's not much more to say about the world, or at least not much more that you don't know yet.
But, as you know, there's already one week I haven't uploaded anything new.

Well guys, I once said fashion was something I really like, so today's entry will be about this. FASHION.
I can't tell you nothing specific, but the best thing I can do to define me is to show you some of my fashion-icons:

 She'll always be the first one.
 Mademoiselle Coco
 Grace Kelly
 Chloë Sevigny
 Alexa Chung
 Leigton Meester
 Blake Lively
Sienna Miller

Just a little bit about me, wait for more!

21 ene 2011

¿Hasta dónde se puede llegar?

Buenas, ¡esta vez en español!
Me encontré con esto ayer en ''El Mundo'' y he de decir que me dejó atónita. ¿Cómo puede tener alguien tan poca sensibilidad? Leedlo, no tiene desperdicio. Y si eres estudiante, como yo, dale las gracias a tu madre después por tratarte como te trata. La de la ''Madre Tigre'' es una opinión que no comparto en absoluto. Así no se cran seres humanos, sino robots. Intachables a nivel académico y profesional, sí. Pero no lo pueden utilizar sin unas bases sociales y humanitarias. En realidad, me entristece mucho que sus hijas hayan sido educadas así y que digan que han aprovechado la vida al máximo. No, no la han podido aprovechar sencillamente porque no han tenido vida. Es cierto que se necesita más disciplina y más exigencia, pero sin llegar a tal extremo. La suficiente para que no decaigan valores como el afán de superación o la responsabilidad.
En fin, juzgad por vosotros mismos.

El 'rugido' de la Madre Tigre

El odio, el miedo y el resentimiento creciente hacia China en Estados Unidos se está canalizando estos días hacia una sola persona. No hablamos del presidente Hu Jintao, de visita en Washington, sino de la escritora Amy Chua, más conocida como Tiger Mom (la 'Madre Tigre'), posiblemente la mujer más insultada, vilipendiada e incomprendida en la tierra del Tío Sam.
Amy Chua, hija de inmigrantes chinos y nacida en Chicago, ha tenido la osadía de arremeter contra los padres "occidentales" por ser demasiado blandos y condescendientes con sus hijos, con el resultado que muchos temen: una generación de "perdedores" que contribuirán inevitablemente al declive del "imperio" americano.
En el polo opuesto, las madres chinas aplican a sus hijos una estricta disciplina que incluye el castigo, la humillación y el insulto. Así se explica el "éxito" de los estudiantes asiáticos, virtuosos del violín y genios de las matemáticas. Y como inmejorable ejemplo, sus propias hijas: Sophia y Lulu.
Chua defiende el método de la "maternidad extrema" en un libro, 'Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother', que se ha convertido en algo así como la "amenaza" nacional. De todo el país le llueven críticas por insultar y "torturar" a sus hijas, aunque los propios americanos se encuentran irreconciliablemente divididos ante la tesitura, dada la manifiesta superioridad oriental en la cosa académica.
Amy Chua no ha permitido nunca que sus hijas queden con sus amigas después del colegio, ni las ha dejado ver la televisión, ni jugar con el ordenador. Ha elegido siempre sus actividades extraescolares, les ha obligado a tocar violín o piano. Les ha impuesto siempre su voluntad, convencida de que "los niños por sí mismos nunca quieren trabajar, y por eso es crucial decidir por ellos".
Las madres chinas, asegura, "no creen en los talentos naturales, ni en esa vaina de que cada niño es especial". De una cosa están convencidas: el "trabajo duro" es la llave del futuro. No permiten unas notas que sean inferiores a la A o al sobresaliente. "La solución, cuando un niño no da la talla, es siempre criticarlo, castigarlo y humillarlo".
Cuando su hija Lulu trajo a casa un B en Matemáticas, la tuvo en vela toda la noche haciendo dos mil problemas. Cuando era incapaz de tocar perfectamente 'The Little White Donkey', la llamó "perezosa, cobarde y patética": estuvo sentada durante horas al piano y no la permitió siquiera hacer pis.
Insultar a sus hijas o llamarles "basura" era parte de la rutina. "Cuando mi padre me llamó 'basura' por faltar al respeto a mi madre, me lo tomé fatal, pero me hizo pensar. Y al final me hizo bien, no dañó mi autoestima ni nada por el estilo. Pero cuando se me ocurrió comentar en una cena que yo había llamado 'garbage' a mi hija y en inglés, todos me miraron mal. Una mujer llamada Marcy rompió a llorar. Mi amiga Susan tuvo que 'rehabilitar' mi imagen ante sus huéspedes".
Amy Chua admite que su férrea disciplina con sus hijas le ha provocado más de un enfrentamiento con su marido judío, Jed... "pero al final me ha reconocido el mérito por el éxito académico y personal de mis hijas". La mayor de ellas, Sophia, tocó piano en el Carnegie Hall a los 16 años y estos días sale en su defensa: "Querida Madre Tigre, me has ayudado a ser más independiente. Si muero mañana, sabré que he disfrutado de la vida un 101%”.
La propia Amy Chua asegura que está eternamente agradecida a la dieta diaria de disciplina y trabajo duro que le inculcaron sus padres. Así explica sus propios éxitos profesionales, doblemente licenciada en Harvard, ex directora de la prestigiosa Harvard Law Review, siguiendo los pasos de Barack Obama. Antes dar el 'rugido' de la Madre Tigre, Chua estaba considerada como una reputada economista, con dos libros sobre los excesos de la globalización ('World on Fire' y 'Day of Empire') y sin ningún ánimo de convertirse en objeto de escarnio nacional.
Suzane Venker, en las páginas del New York Post, sale estos días en su defensa y asegura que "América necesita a la Madre Tigre". En el New York Times, David Brooks recuerda sin embargo la elevada tasa de suicidios entre las jóvenes asiáticas y se pregunta si no está relacionada con esa obsesión por la perfección y el estatus y por la represión emocional de niños educados "al estilo oriental". Brooks acusa también a la Madre Tigre de "estar mofándose de los padres occidentales" y de explotar conscientemente "el miedo al declive nacional que existe en América".


20 ene 2011


Between exams, so not much time to write :S
Tomorrow chemistry, wish me good luck!

Can't get this song out of my head, is REALLY GOOD(:

PD: One hand in the air for Tunez, they're teaching their neighbours that people there can think, talk and do.
I feel ashamed for Europe, we didn't do nothing. Sorry guys, not everybody thought like that.
This is the first step to freedom, do not give up!

12 ene 2011

1 year.

1 year after the tragedy, which left more than 220.000 deaths. More than 220.000 families missing someone. But the city-center is still fulled with shacks. Only a 10% of the help has come, but the other countries don't have much to give. Everything is like it was the 12th january 2010. The affectes buildings stay the same and debris are still there. Policy is corrupted and the state is stopped. And now is when I think, will countrys help another 'till we find a solution? Will Haiti's state be able to rebuild the country and the society after the disaster?

One minute for the victims, one minute for the families, one minute for CHANGE.

10 ene 2011

A clockwork orange.

Here again, guys!
well I hope you all had a light, non-stressing comeback. About me.. I'm a little bit stressed. Today I started school and this week I have like 5 exams.. :S I've got over worse times!
But I'm not writting this entry for telling you my life, no. I wanted to tell all of you that yesterday I saw Stanley Kubkick's ''The clockwork orange''. (''La naranja mecánica'' in spanish). In two words: aw-some.

It's so crazy good! I mean, obviously you have to get the message. But no panic! If I did it, you can do it too.
Basically it's a great criticism to people's real face and policy and all his dirty laundry. 'Cause, in my opinion, policy is something kind of irreal, don't you think so? For policy I understand things like: rights, freedoms, equality, opportunities, honesty, care of people and things like that. But man, nobody has it today! At least, noone who I already know. And this is something  that makes me really, really sad. And I know it's very difficult to fill all these things with good marks, but, honestly, everyone could do it much better. Our society has lost his values. Everyone is corrupted or selfish. We don't deserve it. And it's unfair, that if one or two men of the top do something wrong thinking about themselves, all the people, the normal people like you, me or our neighbors has to suffer and bear it! Haha I'm just reading all this again and maybe I seem a little bit revolucionary, but I'm not asking anyone to demonstrate or anything, just think. Think about it. But I'm sure almost all of you have at least once thought about it, and surely we all come to this same opinion. Well, I don't know what you feel guys, but I feel so impotent! Sometimes I just think: Ok, I'll study policy, I'll go to the top, I'll do everything as right as I can, but at least I would always pass the buck and be honest, people deserve it. And this way, I'd teach the other ones who didn't do it well. But, as my mother always sais, 'Mónica, you can't trust noone, nor yourself.' I didn't understand it before but I do now. And, as always, she's completely right. Flesh is weak, my friends. And you never know how much you can support. You have to be veeeeery stong, have an enormous faith in what you're doing and always keeping a ''cold head''. 
In fact, lastly my posts are becoming lessons, but, anyway, go see the movie if you haven't do it yet!
It worths it! Hope I haven't bore you that much.

Be happy.-

PD: Check Paolo Nutini's songs, he reminds me a little bit to Jack Johnson or Jason Mraz, really relaxing(:

8 ene 2011

Holiday remnants.

Just a few pics just to sum up my x-mas holidays, always with my Lomo(;

Now you can understand why I didn't have christmas-feeling at all...

PD: CHANGESSSS! Well, a little change in the blog. Up now, I'll update the space in the left-top with cuotes. But perhaps this one stays a little bit longer, 'cause it's soooo good and tragically real :S

B happy.-

4 ene 2011


Well my friends, I know it's a little bit late, but HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE.
Not much more to say now...

well, yesterday I saw Robert Nolan's ''Inception'', it's very very good! I really enjoied it, and the end lets you with the doubt. For those ones who don't know what it is about, it's the kind of film (like Matrix or... dunno any other movie now) which deals with the eternal, unanswered phrase that appeared in the Romanticism:
Life is a dream. 
Well, we'll never know if this is true or not, 'cause who knows that? and the more we think about it, the more we fall in the deep, black hole of ignorance.
In my opinion, (I don't wanna write a lot 'cause it's 23.05 in Madrid and I'm cooking a ''Roscón de Reyes'', typical spanish dessert, that we normaly cook at the beginning of january, with the three king's arrival, and I think it will turn up pretty good)

Well, coming back to the paradox...
What if, one day, we wake up in another body, with another family and another life?
What if everything was just a dream, or worse... what if we just are products of someones imagination?
Tragically, we'll never know that, 'cause we all are in the same boat.
Some people just say: Well, I don't care if we're just a dream, while we can be happy.
Yes, this is one view. But, in my opinion, we all care about this, even if we don't think about it often, 'cause it's something that concerns everyone! But we really don't wanna think and reflect about it 'cause this would only lead us to real anxiety and frustration of not having this situation under controll. That's why people prefers not to ask it to theirselfs.
But, as always, this is only my opinion. Everyone has to have his own thoughts too, and if somebody wants to share them with me, ALL OPINIONS WILL BE WELCOMED!

Well, and now, think about it, I have to go look the ''Roscón'' ;)
Be happy.-

PD: I didn't want to write a lot, but as you can see, things not always turn out like we expected.